• 15/02/2024

President of the IBBC, and Member of the House of Lords, Baroness Nicholson, made a visit to Stirling Schools

Accompanied by Andrew Methven from the AMAR Foundation, Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne visited Ishik & Nilufer Schools, Stirling Schools brand in Erbil, on Thursday, February 15, 2024. The visit was hosted by Mr. Timothy Fisher, Global CEO of Stirling Education, and Dr. Umed Aruzery, CEO and Chairman of Stirling Schools. 

The day commenced with a warm reception from two high school students dressed in traditional clothes. Baroness Nicholson then engaged with school administrators, teachers, and students, including an animated discussion with Grade 2 students. 

Later, Baroness Nicholson explored the Nilufer Girls High School, where she attended a Grade 12 class and participated in meaningful conversations about their aspirations. She provided valuable advice and encouragement for their future endeavors. Expressing her admiration, Baroness Nicholson praised the dedication of the accompanying administrative staff and teachers, noting the exceptional standards maintained by Stirling Schools, a prestigious British education institution in the area.